Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quick Garden update.

All is looking good on this beautiful day. I woke up to perfect temps this morning but it is getting kind of cloudy out now. It's supposed to be getting warmer in the next couple of days.

Today I have to tie up the tomatoes again. They are getting bigger and bigger every day. I also need to add dirt around the bottom of the second batch of potatoes and do some inspections on the potatoes because Nancy spotted a Potato Beetle in the wheelbarrow that was sitting next to the potatoes. I also need to look at my radishes. The greens are huge and appear to be flowering but the actual radishes aren't all that big. I think we may have over watered them and caused the greens to grow but the root didn't get as big as it should have. My beets are looking spectacular though!

We have a couple of zucchini growing now.

Three of our four broccoli plants have small little heads growing. The kids weren't as excited about this as I was.

The four beds appear to be thriving. I'm still watching the new cabbage that I dropped in the back bed. I hope there is enough sun for them.

The rest of Nancy's patio garden. These are the tomatoes that mostly need to be tied up again. You can't even see all the peppers on the back side of those tomato bushes, but they are there.

Well, it is time to go get the bread in the oven and feed the starving kids.

Have a great day!

I tied up all of the tomatoes in both areas and in the patio garden I counted 23 tomatoes on the plants. Wahoooooo!

Also, I'm excited because Thursday is the first Farmer's Market of the year. I think the kids and I will walk down there and see what we can get and maybe score some Amish goodies.

1 comment:

Lewru said...

Your garden is so lovely! Thriving is right!