Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One year blogiversary.

One year ago today I started this little online journal for my gardening notes.  As gardening season is starting to swing into full motion again I'm sure it will be busy through the summer.  Keeping up with this blogs has had it's ups and downs.  I love to post pictures and keep notes so that I can remember things down the road.  It's been a lot of work too though.  I honestly don't know how some of the bloggers that I love post daily.  Where do they find the time to put words into sentences and not make it boring?

This blog has been a mish mash of everything in my life with no real direction...kind of like my life.  It's more than just a gardening blog.  It's kept up so that my family can keep tabs on us and the kiddies.  It's here so that I can practice writing.  It's here to remind me of things.  I am not going to say that I'm going to nail down one direction that it's going to go with.  I am more than just a gardener.  I have a lot of interests.  I have a lot of things that I want to learn.  I'm a mom of two boys that continue to grow and amaze me daily.  I like to do crafts (again with the finding time issue), I like to read.  How do I pick one of those things to blog about?  I realize blogs that focus on one thing and go with it do better, but I can't just pick one thing like food and devote a blog to just that.  Eventually things just creep in that aren't related to food.  I can't run seven different blogs, each devoted to one I will continue to use this place to blog about everything in my life.

Today, being the first official day of summer vacation from home schooling, I am going to put out some goals for myself for this summer.  I know that I have a large list of things I would like to accomplish this summer and I'm not sure I will get to them all, but I might as well write them down and then I know what I'm working towards.  So, here goes:

Summer Vacation Goals:
1.  I want to learn how to build furniture.  I am going to start with a nice, sturdy bookcase.
2.  I want to finish knitting Tim's scarf.
3.  I want to keep our garden well and thriving...more weed control this year.
4.  I want to make summer fun for the kids.
5.  I want to sew.
6.  I want to make my first quilt.
7.  I want to organize/declutter every room in our home (basement included).
8.  I want to learn how to crochet a granny square.
9.  I want to eat locally, organic if possible.  I want to eat clean.
10.  I want to find a good book and lose myself in it.
11.  I want to continue making changes in our lives/home that are more earth friendly.
12.  I want to start researching farming seriously. 
13.  I want to use my pressure canner and not be afraid of it.
14.  I want to learn how to make soap.
15.  I want to find natural homemade alternatives for home cleansers that really work.

Hmmm, I think that is all for now.  That's enough, right?  I think I can achieve a lot of these things and it should keep me busy through the summer.  It's funny because I asked both Connor and Aidan to each pick one thing that they wanted to learn to do this summer.  Connor answered that he wanted to learn how to build a gun ship and Aidan (while he was walking through the kitchen) said he wanted to learn how to make an aerosol can of spray oil.  I guess I need to sit with them and help them each pick a skill to master.  Maybe a language?  Or a form of art? Knitting?  Cooking?  We'll figure something out for them and then help them on their way to learning some new skill that will help them out.

So, here I sit on my first day of Summer Vacation, chilled by the cool damp air and I'm pleased.  We have another year of schooling under out belt.  I'm not going to lie, it was harder this year and only because of one event.  That event is over and will not be allowed to happen again.  We will relax and have fun over the summer.  We will get our share of sun and fresh air and farmer's markets in.  We will travel to Florida and spend a week enjoying the fun in the sun and the family.   We will live each day like it's the last and do things that we want to do.  

I hope everyone else is gearing up for a fantastic summer.  I am hoping that I will be more regular around here, but make no promises.  I'm probably going to try and update the look of my little spot in the blog universe...but not today.  Now, I'm going to go dig out a blanket, curl up under it and read a magazine.

Current pictures of our garden and the kiddies.  Better pictures will follow now that I have a little more free time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Visitor tonight.

Visitor tonight.
Originally uploaded by busybeebiz

Quick post to show Aidan's tooth finally coming out. It's been hanging on for a couple of weeks now and tonight's dinner finally coaxed it out. He was thrilled, and then scared that he had swallowed. Alas, he had not. If you look closely at the piece of chicken on his fork, you'll see the tooth stuck to it. It was so funny. Now it's on it's way to resting under his pillow. I just hope that the tooth fairy doesn't trip on the god-awful mess in their room. Of course, Aidan's answer is "she flies".

One day left of school. Kindergarten graduation on Friday at Knoebels and then I hope to be back to my regular posting of my bloggy blog.