Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've been bad.

Hello Mr. Bee. Thanks for finally showing up and helping out in the gardens!

The procrastination bug hit and it hit hard. Sorry bloggie friends. I've been taking pictures. I've been keeping an eye on my little garden. I just can't bring myself to sit down and do five minutes of writing. Bad Bee...bad.

Things have been pretty good around here. We are going on one full week with sun out. Finally. We have had so much rain and so many grey days that I began to wonder if we were turning into Seattle. Our weather is so much nicer now. It's still kind of cool out and I don't think we've had a day over 83 yet. Perfect, if you ask me.

The kids have been enjoying their summer vacation so far. We've taken in some movies. We've been on some long walks. We've done a lot of jam making. We've had some trips to the Farmer's Markets and they have been going through our board games one by one and they've been giving them a whirl.

We had a really nice 4th of July weekend in New York. We got to see fireworks over the Hudson River and it was so cool that we all had to have sweatshirts on. We are on a countdown to go to Florida to hang out with Nana and Papa. Tim and I are still trying to figure out what to do for our tenth wedding anniversary. I think we will celebrate while we are in Florida because Nana and Papa can keep the wee ones.

So, what was I saying about procrastination? Here I am typing this up on the next day. I couldn't get it all done yesterday. Of course, it's hard to do anything when Tim is working from home. Don't get me wrong, I love having him around, but our routines get all out of whack.

Everything is growing nicely in our garden. I was fretting for no reason about my tomatoes. I am so glad that I didn't yank out all of the plants. They are all covered with tomatoes now. Whew. Experiment worked. I'm very happy. Now I need to figure out if these tomatoes are going to need to be preserved with a pressure canner or if I can do them in a water bath. Of course, if Tim makes his wonder pasta sauce, we'll be using the pressure canner.

On to the pictures:
My patch of beets. I need to plant some more this weekend so that I can have another bunch of them in the fall. I will be pickling these babies.
Tomato patch number one. There are a line of onions growing behind these too. I don't know if they are getting enough sun though.
A couple of the tomatoes on the first patch. Interestingly, we planted these a couple of weeks before the second patch, but found tomatoes first on the other patch.
Our pepper patch. I'm really happy that we have a whole bed for peppers this year. There are three tomato plants at the very end that one of our neighbors asked if he could plant. The pepper plants are all covered with peppers and/or blossoms.

Ancho peppers
California Wonders

Tomato patch number two. These plants are up to my big!
This is the very first tomato I found. I think the whole neighborhood heard my sigh of relief.
A friendly little bee helping pollinate. Thank you little bee.

Our two yellow squash plants.
Our three rows of potatoes. I need to go out and hill those bad boys up soon. You can also see a couple of brussel sprout plants that were dropped down...they are still waiting for a permanent home.
Our cucumber vines finally found the trellis, thanks to Tim. They have gotten huge in the last week.
Hello there Mr. Zuke. I wish I had more of you growing this year but we'll be happy with you. Next year we'll make sure we get it right.
Nancy's broccoli looks much better this year. I still don't really care for broccoli.

That is all I have for now. I would like to say I've had a busy summer, but honestly, it hasn't been too busy yet. I'm waiting to hear on some test results and that will hopefully clue me in to what is up with me and then I can work at fixing my extreme tiredness and general yucky feeling. Until then, I'm going to enjoy our abnormally cool July and watch my kids have fun. Who knows, I might actually finish knitting Tim's scarf too. It's only taken me three years.

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and everyone's gardens are blooming!