Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Days-Week One

I am coming into this challenge a little later than everyone else. And it will have to be put on hold when we are on vacation, but I will post about my week one.

1. Plant something: I planted some more beet seeds and some Kentucky Wonder Bush bean seeds.

2. Harvest something: We pulled a cucumber. Yes, just one. Nothing else is really ready to pick yet. I did pick some peppermint, lemon balm and oregano to dry out.

3. Preserve something: Herbs listed above. I also made some Kohlrabi pickles. It was my first time ever pickling something and I snuck one yesterday. They are supposed to sit in the refrigerator for four to five days. I waited two. I've mentioned my lack of patience haven't I? They tasted like dill freaking pickles. I was so excited. I made Tim taste one and he was impressed. So success.

4. Prep something: Tim and I started making our lists of things that we want to start having in storage. We aren't really going to get serious about this until we get back from Florida. The lists are growing and I'm starting to be more aware of sales of things that are on the list.

5. Cook something: I can't even remember if I cooked anything last week. I was feeling kind of crappy all week. I know I did make a kick butt couscous salad a couple of days ago. Of course, I made bread again...but I think the point of this part of the challenge is to cook something new.

6. Manage reserves: Uh yeah. Don't have any reserves yet. That will be something down the road once we start our stockpiles.

7. Work on local food systems: Not really sure what this is going to mean to me. I know that we have searched out for a local dairy supply and we are going to the farmer's market weekly now. I'll have to do some more research to find out what this part really means.

All in all, it was a good week and I think our family is slowly on the way to living simpler lives and being able to take care of ourselves a little bit better. I'm still trying to deal with the frugal aspects of it. I'm not a very frugal person so this is a new concept to me. Working with it and will focus more AFTER vacation.

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