Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nothing major to report.

I missed a post yesterday because Tim was working from home and when he does that all schedules get messed up. It was cooler yesterday after we had some major thunderstorms roll through the night before. It's back in the 70's and sunny. We've been watering all the gardens with the water that was in the kid's pool. As of tonight, I'm draining the rest of it out because it's just gotten so disgusting. It's amazing how nasty the water got in just a couple of days. I'm hoping that in the morning it will be done draining and I can do a quick wash of it and put it away until probably July 4th weekend.

Today I went to Home Depot to get a teeny tiny screwdriver for Tim and I picked him up a soldering iron. He's wanted one for a while and now maybe we can attempt to fix Connor's Nintendo DS. We think we had a power surge while it was plugged in and charging and it blew a fuse. We are going to DIY fix it. While I was in Home Depot, I of course, had to run through the garden shop. I wanted to pick up a pot to put my shamrock into and then I saw this really neat looking plant and then I had to get the plant and a pot to put that into. I also picked up some more bird seed for our army of birds and a bad of organic soil so Tim could put more soil into his pepper pots. His peppers seem to be really taking off right now.

New plant...not sure what I'm going to name him yet. Any ideas?

I just came in from planting four rows of onions. I fear Tim put too much water on them but I'll check them tomorrow and see how they are doing. I also weeded around the cabbage and the potatoes. All is looking happy in our little gardens. Man, I hope we don't have to leave here. It will make me sad.

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