Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now what?

This blog is called Busy Bee's Garden Experiment.  An experiment it is.  I think I've planted my seeds too soon.  They are getting so big and I'm going to have to re-pot them all before they can go outside.  Next year I will know not to plant so early.  I will admit though that we have had so much fun watching them grow and get bigger.  

zucchinis, peas and green beans



foxgloves.  These amaze me because they start out so tiny and get to be so big.  I can't wait to see them bloom.

This afternoon after school I caught the boys playing a game together.  

They had quite the Stratego battle going on.  It's awesome that they are less and less interested in TV these days.  Connor has started a new book series that one of his bestest friends that he likes to hang out with reads.  The Warrior series.  It's about warrior cats.  We've been reading it together and Aidan is still my little lego buddy.  Who needs that dumb ol TV anyway?  Well, I do, but I tivo everything and watch it when I can.

Not much else going on over here.  Waiting for spring to show up so that we can head outdoors!


Lewru said...

Depending on your planting out date, peppers (slow growing) and tomatoes and some other things can be planted now. I'm not sure about flowers, though. And it looks like you've got a melon or cucumber or pumpkin/squash growing in there...I imagine you'll have to repot those. Got a sunny windowsill?

Bee said...

Our last frost date is early to mid May. I am going to repot the zucchini, peas and possible cucumbers today I think. I'm going to attempt to lift one side of my grow lights up and keep the other ones down low.